Anjuna Ma Saraya 

The Sanctuary of Light - Cosmic University

‘The Order of the Blue Rose’

The Blue Rose Essence - Priestess of Light

Light Transmission of the Cosmic Blue Rose

The Sanctuary of the Cosmic Blue Rose is held by the ascended Masters Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Lady Sarah in a powerful triangle of cosmic union.

They are representing the sacred soul and womb consciousness of the Mother Goddess Sophia.

The codes of the Blue Rose are perfectly aligned with the creation codes of the Goddess herself. This Order of Light holds the consciousness of the blue flame, the twin flame of the sacred union. The sanctuary of the Blue Rose is a sacred and secret priestesshood between worlds and supports the ascension and descension process of human souls, guiding them towards their higher purpose.


They are using the technology of the cosmic rose consciousness of Sophia Christ. Here they are transmitting the cosmic star wisdom of creation through your soul star chakra into your womb chakra. After this initiation, a womb of a woman is no longer just a human womb, it transmutes into the golden Christ womb, the Holy Grail womb of light.

This womb gets incredible powers to give birth and create from the "Divine Sophia Consciousness", that means they will be connected to the birth library of the Goddess. All will be possible from now on. But in order to do so, they will have to go through several initiations with the blue twin flame and the spiral light of the rose to internalize the feminine powers and transmute into the light. Light conceptions are gifted by the Goddess as a possibility to grow into a higher divine ability to connect, feel, sense and create. It transforms you into a higher frequency of divine union. Golden fertility codes are flowing through your womb of light!

About Anjuna

Channeling the 6th Ray of the Elohim consciousness/ the Goddess Frequency of Creation & the Golden Christ Light

I am in service as a spiritual healer since 12 years, assisting  woman and man to connect with their inner Healer, Priestess/ Priest & Goddess/ God within, in order to step into higher service of the soul.

My soul purpose is divine truth and divine love through being a messenger for Sophia Christ, Isis, Sarah Tamar, Mary Magdalene and the Council of Light.

My calling is to bring enlightenment and sacred union teachings from higher realms to open the hearts to unconditional love and higher wisdom. 

Transmitting the energy of the golden Eden consciousness for healing and awakening the soul essence!

The divine embodiment teachings and activations of the “ Feminine Christ” is my great service i am offering to woman around the world. 

The Path of the Rose and the Golden Light of Isis is my Mission to unite the birth a new  Priestesshood and Sisterhood of Light.

My Mystery School offers Priestess Trainings of the Mary Isis Linage and activates the sacred land of the Goddess. 

Website: | Instagram: @anjuna _sanctuaryofthelight