Saturday 22nd June, 2024 (Full Moon, Summer Solstice)


Eridge Park, Kent

Brother’s of the Rose, those in deep service and devotion to the divine Feminine within all of life, the path of the Heart and the birthing of this New Golden Age.

Here to anchor in these Solar Christic codes of divine Masculine Light, in service and protection of all of humanity.

We call on you now…

To gather on the most powerful Solar night of the year - Summer Solstice (and Full moon…)

To help ‘seed’ a sacred men’s festival on this ancient Land.

Once seeded, this festival will become ‘Heart of the Sun’ next year, and will be the ‘brother’ festival, to ‘Heart of the Rose’ women’s festival that already exist’s on the Land.

Over these coming years, we hope that both of these festival’s will grow along side one another.

Birthing a new frequency on the Land - where the Heart is at the centre.

Helping us to each dissolve our mind’s ever-more deeply into our Heart’s, re-membering what it is to be truly initiated into these sacred bodies and step ever-more fully into our highest potential on earth at this time - individually and collectively.

The hope is that in the future - both of these festival’s will happen on the Land in different locations and then we will all come together in sacred healing, remembrance and union at the end.

This seed gathering will take place on Eridge Park, one of the oldest private deer park’s in England, covered in ancient oak trees, red and white spring’s and powerful ley lines. These ley lines mean that whatever is ‘seeded’ on them will ripple out far and wide, and we think this is why the Land is calling for these gathering’s to be birthed - ‘as within, so without, as above, so below’.

This ‘seed’ gathering - will be similar to the ‘seed’ gathering that we had for Heart of the Rose over 3 years ago.

It will be an evening gathering from 7pm-midnight.

We invite all men who feel the deep heart-felt call to join us to plant your seed’s of intentions and prayers on the Land for this future men’s festival and the greater healing of the divine Feminine and Masculine, within and without.

The Land has been calling for the women to return and awaken certain codes of Light, and it is now calling, and ready for the men to return…

Remembering again anew this path of embodied Love…together

So that all of life can start to come back into balance again

It is time…

It has been said that the Age of Aquarius is the time of the ‘return of the Feminine’ (within all), the Magdelene and the way of the Heart.

As the Ecuadorian prophecy shares - the bird of humanity has been flying around for too long with only one wing (representative of the masculine - the intellect) and has thus been going around in circles - it is now time for the second wing to be returned and restored (the feminine principle of life - the heart), so that for the first time in a long time the bird of humanity can start to fly straight again…

The Rose as a multi-dimensional symbol, representation and embodiment of the Heart, the Divine Feminine, and this path of Unconditional Love is calling for us to re-member this again.

Not in negation of the Masculine principle but in harmony with.

For this next Golden Age will be an age of balance - honouring the inner Sun King and Rose Queen within and without, so all can start to come into harmony again and we can truly start to live as we were always destined to live - as Heaven on Earth.


Thank you to all Brother’s that heard the call, we look forward to seeing you soon!

And all shall be well and

All manner of thing shall be well

And the fire and the rose are one (T. S. Eliot)

Some more context around the gathering, the Land and how the vision came for this gathering below…

These gathering’s are just one piece of a much greater vision being birthed on the Land at this time - where a Retreat Center, Rose Temple and Mystery School is in the process of being anchored and built - and will run regular ‘rites of passage’ and retreat’s throughout the year for all. Re-membering these original ‘School’s of Learning’ that taught ‘above’ (the Cosmos) and ‘below’ (the Earth), for the greater advancement of human evolution and Awakening.

For more info - please see the rest of the website.

Sophie Nevill, guardian of Eridge Park, psychotherapist, meditation teacher and founder of Heart of the Rose festival - is very aware she is a woman - being called to help support, initiate and birth a men’s gathering on the Land, and for some this may seem strange.

It was also confusing to her, when she first got ‘shown’ the vision at the beginning of 2024

But the guidance was clear - she was “to birth a men’s festival, that would be the ‘Brother’ to Heart of the Rose and would be called Brotherhood of the Sun and take place on the Summer Solstice to honour the Solar Masculine”.

The Guidance then changed a few months later and said that for this first seed year, it was to be called the ‘Brotherhood of the Rose’, as “this would be a new type of men’s festival where the Heart was at the centre (to match Heart of the Rose) and so needed to be supported by women who had already cultivated this Heart frequency on the Land and ‘seeded’ by men who truly understood that it was only through healing/integrating their own inner Heart/Feminine/Rose could they step ever more fully into their Solar/Sun Masculine Christic King-dom”

She was shown that both Heart of the Rose and Brotherhood of the Rose, were all leading to a much greater (20,000-30,000) festival on the Land called AWAKEN in a few years time. A festival that she was shown to birth many years ago but never happened, as it suddenly become clear that first the women needed to heal/re-member on the Land and then the men, and only then could we all come together in the Heart for AWAKEN. Ultimately mirroring the Heiros Gamos/Sacred Marriage within/without and the mass collective ‘Awakening’ that is about to unfold on the planet over these next couple of years.

In the Mystery School traditions - it was only through the Awakened Feminine that the Masculine be re-surrected into his Kingdom. Only through them both dissolving their ‘mind’, in service and reverence to the divine Heart/Mother/Father within/without - could both be re-surrected into their Highest embodiment.

In truth - this is not really about ‘male’ or ‘female’, and in no way about ‘hierarchy’ - being ‘better’, ‘worst’, ‘higher’, ‘lower’ - our Soul’s are inherently beyond any gender. Yet we have lost touch and forgotten how to be initiated into these sacred bodies. Thus we have been living inherently dis-connected and dis-embodied and one of the reason’s why the world is currently how it is.

It is time to re-member what it is to Awaken to the One beyond this ‘body/mind’, and also how to truly be initiated into this ‘body/mind’ - so all can come back into balance and we can bring the Light that we are, ever-more deeply ‘down’ - so all can be uplifted back to it’s original Divine Blueprint.

Each of us carry certain codes, gifts and frequencies held within these body’s that are greatly needed for this turning of the Age…it is time to re-member together…

Thank you so much for reading - it is truly an honour and the deepest blessing to walk together and re-member again…