Photos of
The Mens ‘Seed’ Gathering - Summer Solstice - 22nd June 2024 - by Samuel George
Our ‘Awakening the Rose Heart - Initiation for Men’ Workshop on our Medicine Festival Rose Temple - by Samuel George
And a few informal one’s from our Intimate Winter Solstice Event in December.
What came out of the 2024 men’s work - was two-fold…
1) It is time to birth this ‘brother’ Men’s Festival to Heart of the Rose. The Guidance was clear that Heart of the Rose women’s festival is meant to go online this 2025 year, as it is about connecting the GLOBAL Rose Sisterhood. Yet as Brotherhood of the Rose/Heart of the Sun is still in it’s early stages, the Guidance is to continue growing the in-person gathering/festival this year that we hope will take place in July (and then may potentially move online ‘as well’ at a later date). We are really not sure what form the gathering will take this year, but are trusting the unfolding and the amazing men who have come forward wanting to support and run it!
We also know, Heart of the Rose and Brotherhood of the Rose are just two small pieces in the Great unfolding happening at Eridge and the return of the Feminine, and this birth of a new Aquarian Age of the Heart. And that they will both grow and exist alongside a year-round Mystery School that will happen throughout the year on the Land AND both lead to a much bigger festival (c.20,000) called AWAKEN festival, that will happen in a few years time, where we will all come together as One. Please see rest of website for more…
2) Alongside the ‘brother’ festival, we also realised during 2024, the profound need and importance of running Initiation workshop's for men with the Rose, and Sophie hopes to be organising a lot more with her team, throughout this 2025 year (if you run men’s events and would like us to offer a workshop - please be in touch). As we know the Feminine/Divine Mother/Heart has been repressed in *all* of us throughout these patriarchal year’s and it has not been safe to live ‘in’ and ‘from’ our Heart’s and truly be embodied (due to all the density/trauma we have all experienced on a collective, ancestral and personal level) but the Feminine/Heart is now calling to be restored within all, and women are the way showers of this path. Not in negation of men or the Masculine, but in harmony with, so all of life can come back into balance again. And the Rose is just one medium through which She is guiding us…
*This Feminine initiation is only one piece of men’s work/women’s work but it is a lost piece that is so needing to be re-membered. And it is not about emasculating men, but about using the Rose as a guide to healing the Heart’s within all. Dissolving the conditioned ‘mind’ ever-more deeply into the Heart, so we can all step into, and embody our highest potential/Kingdom/Queendom within and without - whatever embodiment that may be. To hear Sophie speak more in-depth around this - please see this post… or please see the work of Tanishka who speaks of specific ancient Feminine initiatory Holy Grail Rites that used to exist in England.*
If you are a man and want to be kept in touch around the next steps - please join our mailing list or follow us on instagram @heartoftherose_festival.
We are truly so grateful for your desire to be part of this vision and we hope to be fully ‘handing over’ and creating a separate website and instagram for the men’s festival soon…
‘Awakening the Rose Heart - Initiation for Men’ Workshop on our Medicine Festival Rose Temple
Brotherhood of the Rose - Intimate Winter Solstice Gathering 2024