A festival to truly re-member the power of the Feminine and ‘the way of the Rose’ as the path of embodied Love that is so needed on the planet at this time…
The intention for this festival is to create a container for us as women to de-construct and de-condition ourselves from lifetimes of limiting beliefs systems and distorted programs. To clear all personal and collective trauma held in our body, mind, womb and heart’s. And to truly come together to deeply re-member our profound Power and incredible healing Potential as unique expression’s of the divine Feminine on earth at this time.
A festival where we can really start to heal the deep ‘sisterhood wound’ of competition, jealousy, and survival and instead re-claim the ancient true way of Being together in harmony, in support, in collaboration and in deep trust.
Re-membering all that we are and all that we have come here to be together.
Furthermore, very rarely is the body, and especially the female body, and it’s Holy mysteries spoken about in relation to Enlightenment. It is time that these powerful, other-worldy initiations such as the menstrual cycle, birth, motherhood, menopause, grief, loss, trauma, sacred sexuality and more, are spoken about more openly and especially in relation ‘to’, and ‘as’ a path of Awakening.
Bridging both the form and formless worlds inherently through our bodies, we as women do not find spirituality through ‘transcendence’, but through descent and embodiment. No matter our age, we are inherently connected to all of life and this is our innate gift to all of life…to find God here. To Be here and to re-member that all of Life is Sacred. For it is only when matter, the body and nature (i.e. the Feminine) are remembered as Sacred, that all of Life can start to come back into balance again….
We are wanting to be very clear that this festival is in no way a negation of men or the ‘masculine’, but to remember our own power and sovereignty in relation too and harmony with the masculine. Honouring the divine Feminine within us all, and the unique way each of our souls has chosen to embody and express Her at this time.
In truth, it is only when women truly re-member and embody their Queendom, can they truly start to initiate and re-birth the masculine (within + without), through the alchemical cauldron of the Womb/Heart, into his Kingdom...the ancient Venusian path of ‘descent’ and ‘resurrection’ that is as old as time…
It is time for women to Awaken and re-member, not only for the good of ourselves but for the good of all…
“Women have within their cells the light and Presence of God in a way that men don’t and this is because, whether or not they choose to become physical mothers, they have the potential within them to give birth. To bring the Light of God down into form. So in women Spirit and matter can never be separate. She is the matrix of creation and if she honours that within herself, she honours it for the whole of creation and this nourishes creation…there is a certain spiritual work that can only be done by women at this time". (Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee)
To here Sophie, the Founder of Heart of the Rose speak more about this Festival, the Way of the Rose and the Vision given to her from the Land - please see the video below…
“It is time to consider that women’s spirituality is distinct. In part this is because it is time to honour the body. For those women who instinctively understand the utter holiness of what our bodies are capable of, the separation and diminishment of the body in spirituality, makes no sense”
— Hilary Hart