The Rose Mystery School at Eridge Park presents…

As mentioned throughout this website - Heart of the Rose - was only ever going to be one piece of a much greater ‘heart-centred’ re-membrance and re-birthing of a Mystery School and permanent conscious community on the Land.

The future of Eridge will run regular events, rites of passage, retreat’s and so much more throughout the year, focusing on this path of the Rose, this path of the Divine Mother and this path of embodied Love that is so needed on this planet at this time.

A space where we can truly start to learn how to re-member and embody our highest potential on earth, in service to all humanity.

A true new ‘Aquarian’ Temple of Light.

It will be for women (see The Sisterhood Community for more), men and all.

This 2024, as the physical Mystery School/Retreat Centre/Rose Temple is in the process of being built, we will also start slowly welcoming Rose Teachers from around the world - men, women and all - to start sharing their Magic on the Land, in the main house.

These will be unique one-off workshops/retreat’s organised under the ‘Rose Mystery School’ banner - helping to plant seeds for this greater re-birth that is in the process of manifesting on the Land.

In devotion and service to this path of unconditional Love and true Self-mastery…for the good of all humanity.

‘The Divine Feminine is calling us all it is time. For it is only when matter, the body and the earth are remembered as Sacred, that can all of life be start to come back into balance again, and all of life can started to be uplifted back to it’s original Divine Blueprint’.

(Sophie, founder of Heart of the Rose)

The first workshop/retreat of these series happened in March,

with Jack Morrigan: founder of the ‘Dragons of the Rising Rose’ - please find pictures below…

The next Mystery School event will be after the summer and Heart of the Rose…we will share more details soon!

Some photos of the Friday Evening Event by our teammate Elesha…

Some photos of the Saturday Day Dragon Retreat on the other side of Eridge Park…

Work with Jack Morrigan more…

Jack was gifted a transformative, meditative journey by the Goddess Hela. ‘Elemental Awakenings’ is a 12 week program where Jack guides you into union with your elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

A new group - ‘Elemental Awakenings Together’ - begins on Thursday 28th March at 16:00 UK time available online via weekly video calls with Jack Morrigan and fellow participants.

The Dragons of the Rising Rose are also leading a new channelled transformative group in May 2024 entitled ‘Dragon Medicine’ where you work directly with the root, sacral and solar Dragons to align your chakras with their greater cosmic chakras and experience the peace of these expanded states of consciousness.

Contact for details and to reserve your place.