An intimate women’s festival to honour and re-member the way of the Heart, the wild mysteries of the Feminine, and the Feminine path of Awakening…

This is the 5th year we have run this beautiful women’s gathering and we will be taking a bit of a different direction this 2025 year!
To read more - please follow this link…
Over these last few year’s the festival has taken place on Eridge Park - one of the oldest private deer parks in England.
Covered in ley lines, sacred springs, and even a ritualistic cave.
The land was once said to house a Temple of Isis.
It is clear She is now ready to return.
It is time…
The festival is limited to 500 women…
Video from our 2023 festival below…
Video from our 2022 festival below…
This festival is one piece of a much vaster long-term vision for the re-membering of the Rose Path, the re-awakening of the Divine Feminine, and the re-activation of a Mystery of School on the Land…please see ‘The Sisterhood Community’ for more details….