Friday 20th December, 7pm-12.30am,
Eridge Park, Kent
This will be a continuation of the Summer Solstice ‘seed gathering’ event we did in June earlier this year. We met on the the most solar ‘Masculine’ night of the year - and now the Guides are saying - it is time to gather again, this time on the darkest ‘Feminine’ night of the year’.
This will be a more intimate event for those men who really feel drawn to this vision (to birth the ‘brother’ festival to Heart of the Rose) and want to connect even more deeply with each other and to the Rose (the Rose representing the Feminine aspect of God and path of Unconditional Love). Gathering together at the Stillness Mother’s Night of the year - we will journey ‘down’ into this Holy silence and be open to receive what She want’s to share and what might want to be birthed through us this coming year. The event will be held by Sophie and some of the Heart of the Rose team and will be for men only...
The intentions for the evenings is to:
Collectively connect more deeply to the Rose together, dissolving the mind into the Heart - so we can truly hear and receive Her wisdom and guidance at this time.
Gather all men who feel drawn and aligned to this vision
Keep this Brotherhood the Rose flame alight and continuing after our Summer Solstice event and Rose Initiation Workshop for Men at Medicine Festival
Come together on the darkest eve of the year to share Council around this ‘Brotherhood of the Rose’ Festival vision. Planting our seeds in the fire and this Holy fertile darkness - so they can start to slowly blossom as we move into next year.
It has been said that there used to exist on this sacred British Isle, something called the ‘Holy Grail Rites’ of Passage - where women would initiate men over the Winter Solstice ‘down' into the darkest depths of the cyclical Feminine Mysteries. Inviting them to face and integrate the darkest depths of themselves - dissolving into the Womb of Winter - ready to be born again anew with the coming Light. This is a very brief description - yet it feels potent to be meeting together on this Holy night, for us *all* to be reborn anew, and remember our sacred work together. For more info on these specific Holy Grail rites - please see the work of Tanishka Moon Woman -
Thank you to all Brother’s that heard the call! To see photos from the event please see our instagram!
We will be in touch in 2025 with more events to come!!
This is only just the beginning…