Agnieszka Laskus and Jo Hemmant

‘Amanita Muscaria & the dragon rose’

Workshop outline: Through guided meditation and ceremony we will explore the connection between the rose lineage, the dragon realms and Amanita Muscaria, the dragon rose. Journeying to meet this sacred trinity – that is such a unifying force and source of strength for this land of Albion and beyond – to taste of the ancient and powerful wisdom fields of rose and dragon in the chalice cup of Amanita Muscaria, the dragon rose.

About Agnieszka and Jo

Jo Hemmant's path is devotional, mystical, the path to divine union. She works as a seer, dreamer, channel, gridworker, sound and energy healer, workshop facilitator, writer, mentor and guide, taking clients on journeys within the self to gift them the insights and tools they need to heal, become whole. The elements and the many magical realms of Gaia are at the heart of her practice, as is ceremonial work, and she has a deep devotion to the waters and to the land. She is especially drawn to the ancient network of springs and holy wells and travels often to sacred water sites. The remembering of her Essene and Cathar lifetimes and connection to the Sisterhood of the Rose are ever present, as is Avalon.

Agnieszka Laskus is a multidimensional artist and an accredited Energy Healer. Her other modalities are Angelic Reiki, Metamorphic Technique, Intuitive Healing, Yoga and Mindfulness teaching. Beyond formal accreditations, Agnieszka’s most significant growth comes from activations on the land, where she receives healing codes and guidance from Spirit, Ascended Masters and the elements. Her earliest water initiation was at Palenque Mayan ruins and most recently she received a Mother Mary attunement at Medjugorie, dragon activation at Bosnia Pyramids and Purity Light Codes at Mount Shasta. Since her early days, she has been communing with the plant kingdom, in particular trees. In 2017 after her initiation with Amanita Muscaria, she was called by the mycelium network to work with medicinal mushrooms. She makes her own bespoke remedies and holds ceremonies to share the wisdom of this ancient medicine. Agnieszka has recently completed Mycotherapy Studies, and is currently also undergoing Nutrition Advisory training and Shamanic Studies to deepen and expand her practice.

Agnieszka - Instagram - @angi_las @agni_las_healing| Website -

Jo - Facebook - @jo.hemmant | Website -