Alexandra and Sjanie

‘Experience the Power of Menopause’

Menopause holds the key to your deepest fulfilment and the future of our planet. This may sound bold, but to us, it’s indisputable. Menopause is a powerful time of awakening, a rite of passage, and yet for far too many it is a time of diminishment, challenge and distressing symptoms. But what if understanding the power of menopause were actually the key to transforming our experience. What if menopause were here to help us truly find ourselves and step into a life that is deeply fulfilling. In this workshop we share how to realize the potential and power of menopause, for both yourself and the world.

About Alexandra and Sjanie

Co‐directors of Red School, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer have developed a radical new approach to health and wellbeing, creativity, leadership and spiritual life, based on the power of the menstrual cycle. Co‐authors of Wise Power: discovering power of menopause to awaken Authority Purpose and Belonging and Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power,  together they bring 45 years of researching and revealing the power of the menstrual cycle and the initiatory journey from menarche to menopause. They have created a new lexicon that describes this psychological and spiritual process, and in so doing have spearheaded this emerging new field of menstruality.

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