Anna May Adella  

‘Hathor Womb of Light

Desert Rose Lineage - Aramaic Prayer Keeper

In the house of Hathor we embody the beauty and frequency of Venus so that we may hold the light of the Divine within us. Awakening the ancient mysteries of Womb Purification so that we may unite with the light of Shekinah. 

A sacred circle of woman purifying the body temple to become a clear vessel to create with the light of the Divine

About Anna

An initiated and practicing priestess of the Desert Rose Lineage
My path is driven by a deep passion for sound and ancient prayer. I am devoted to the remembrance of the Venus lineage that threads through the Hathor, Magdalene and Essene lineages. 
I walk with Faith into the quest of pilgrimage, serving the creator of all that moves in Light.

Instagram - @thegoldencircleoflight | Website -