Carly Mountain

‘Undressing Your True Erotic Nature’

Come and reveal the fire and shadow of your true erotic nature. We have been cloaked in the heavy uniforms of an eros wounded culture that encourages us to cover and deny our erotic intelligence. But it wasn’t always like this. Following the mythopoetic map of Inanna, the ancient goddess of sexuality, we will explore the possibilities of undressing from our conditioning and defences, to reveal what our somatic sensual wisdom wants to express.

About Carly

Carly Mountain is a sought-after sacred space holder and somatic psychotherapist who specialises in working with sexuality, eros and embodiment. She is the author of Descent & Rising: Women’s Stories & the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth that explores women's real-life stories of the descent to the underworld and re-emergence - a process of female psycho-spiritual growth often overlooked in patriarchal culture. Her work has evolved over twenty years of embodied practice, exploration and training. She is passionate about facilitating people, at all ages and stages of life to remember, reclaim and reconnect to their inherent erotic aliveness, power and pleasure. She lives in Sheffield, England with her husband and two daughters. 

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