Charlotte Hastings

Sounds Alchemical - ‘Lunar Rose Song and Sound Bath’

Incorporating vocal improvisation and learning a song together, we will connect with Mama Luna and Rose elixirs before bathing in crystalline sound. 

Charlotte received a simple song to the moon when holding a women's circle in 2015 and has been weaving medicine with Rose ever more deeply while navigating loss, grief, love and motherhood, creating elixirs and meditation journeys with Her which we will share together. This space is one of honouring our Lunar Mother in collaboration with our earthly Sister; we are coming together to explore and join in this alchemical dance, before resting deeply to amplify their potency and receive the healing transmissions they wish to share.

Please bring everything you need to create a comfortable nest and space of delight for your body. Note sound bathing is contraindicated for the first and third trimesters in pregnancy, for those who experience epilepsy and for anyone recently fitted with a metal plate or pins.

About Charlotte

Charlotte began sharing sound as part of Lunar Sisterhood women's circles she was holding a decade ago. Her passion for music has been lifelong and in recent years sound has become the conduit for her personal and shared healing, receiving frequency as a way to clear and redirect the energy systems of the body and attune to our/collective deepest truth and highest wisdom. Charlotte shares a daily Love Revolution recording with crystal singing bowls and holds regular sound baths and retreats in Oxfordshire and across the UK. 

Instagram - @soundsalchemical  | Website