Daisy ‘May’ Bruce

‘Sacred Aromatherapy: Power of Intention’

Daisy will share about the sacred aspects of Aromatherapy in this workshop, it's connection with our chakras and memory, and how it can support creating sacred space wherever we are. We will then go onto make our own personal *Intention Blessing Spray* to take home, amplified with a blessing meditation. All materials are provided.

About Daisy

Daisy is the Creatrix of DaisyMay Sprays, aromatherapy sprays that share the beauty and wisdom of scent with the world, and an intuitive, professional Aromatherapist of 20 years. All her creations' aim to deeply nourish the receivers mind, body and spirit and bring focused moments of sacred intention and mindfulness. Daisy's offerings have always been inspired by the spiritual element of Aromatherapy and how aroma is so powerful in creating sacred space. Her new Ritual Range, birthed in 2023, has been created particularly to support ritual and ceremonial spaces, combining aromatherapy, crystals and prayer. Find out more about what she creates at www.daisymaysprays.com

Instagram - @daisymaysprays  | Facebook - daisymaysprays  | Website -  www.daisymaysprays.com