The Red Tent Collective

Join Anouska and her team for a deeply nourishing and sacred space to slow down & honor your body’s wisdom, womb, and cycle in ceremony. The red tent team believe in a cyclical, pleasure-positive revolution where bodies and your blood are respected and celebrated. Sexual liberation for all! Bleeding or not, all women and womb folks are welcome. Menopausal sisters, your wisdom is craved! Here’s what awaits you:

A comforting space with an altar, massage oils & aromatherapy for relaxation, educational resources on womb health, tarot, oracle cards, and creative tools for self-exploration, music & Instruments to express yourself & most importantly, a circle of supportive women!

These magical ladies are trained in various practices to support you, including:

Embodiment counselling, somatic sexology, reiki & massage, trauma-informed care, womb wisdom & cycle awareness, inner child therapy & doula services. 

Nudity is very welcome, but please bring a cover to sit on if you choose.

‐ please feel free to amend this, shorten it or ask for more if you need. Myself and the team are very excited to be joining you on the field.