Farah Orths

‘Healing with the Land for People of Colour’

 How can we root into the lands we live on, when so many of our lineages and own experiences as people of colour have left us with dis-connection and trauma from these lands?  

In this ceremony, we will journey deep beneath the projected and felt layers of the land, to the Heart of the soil we live upon and open a sacred space for tender and honest embodied communication to take place. There is no destination in this ceremony to ‘get to’, only the heart of the land to feel yourself in, rest within and be with what it means to root into these lands.  

For most of Farah’s life, her Pakistani ancestral trauma with England left her unrooted, constantly travelling to get away from the land trauma she came into contact with whilst in the UK. After a powerful healing land ceremony, her embodied experience of being in the uk radically shifted and healed so much of her relationship with England allowing her to root here like never before. This is the ceremony she offers other people of colour to experience. 

Join us for a pilgrimage of love and radical acceptance into the land, where everything that arises and all of you, is welcomed and holy. 


About Farah

Farah Orths is a profound Channel, Ceremonialist and Spiritual Guide who devotionally brings the unconditional love of the divine into the human realm and the felt sense of self. She is of dual heritage, being Pakistani and German. Her words and teachings invite radical acceptance, compassion and deep heart healing.  She holds a Philosophy BA Degree from King’s College London, is a trained sacred drum circle facilitator, an akashic record reader, trained energy healer, 200 hour yoga teacher, and a HayHouse author. 

Instagram - @farahorths