Fionnagh Bridgit

‘Hawthorn & Rose: Heart Flower Medicine’

These beloved native plants provide remedies for the heart in their blossom, leaf and berry.  Hawthorn, the Queen of the May, is one of our most sacred and enchanted trees.  Associated with the fae and used in the ancient rites of Bealtaine, she is a sovereignty ally.

Both Hawthorn and Rose repair and strengthen the energetic and emotional heart, allowing more ease with the flow of love and bringing coeur-age, true courage.

In our workshop we will be introduced to both the plants material properties and through a gentle drum meditation their spirits as allies in an honouring and healing relationship to hear what their personal indications are for us.

Please bring a cushion, mat and blanket for your comfort during the meditation and a journal and pen if you require.

Also please be aware that we use a small amount of a clear distilled alcohol made solely from the juice of foraged organic wild rose hips as a preservative in the flower medicine.


Fionnagh Bridgit is an Irish artist, coach and shamanic practitioner living in the East Sussex countryside.

She has trained locally and far afield with shamans and healers from many traditions and with plants and fungi to bring this knowledge home to these lands, to follow the paths, once lost now re-emerging, our ancestors sang out for us.

She is a frequent pilgrim to ancient sacred sites and remote places and dedicated to the forgotten magic, healing and wisdom we are remembering.

She offers shamanic coaching sessions, healings and personal ceremonies as well as making bespoke medicines.

Instagram - @sussexfloweressences  | Facebook - @shamanichealthandhealing