Freya Rose Birch

‘Keys to an Ecstatic Birth’

For pregnant women, women desiring to conceive and birthkeepers. This workshop will support you to align with birth as a spiritual, embodied and ecstatic experience, to find a deep inner knowing and connection to your internal power and primal birthing wisdom. We will journey together connecting to deeper layers of your body's wisdom, trusting her innate power, and experiencing the beauty of the birthing portal in its full capacity. Communicating with your inner body to heal past trauma and open to pleasure. Co-creating with the red rose and the womb mysteries, the white rose for purity and forgiveness and the pink rose for unconditional love, you will be guided to direct the flow of energy moving through your body and become an active participant in labour co-creating with the divine and accessing an altered states of consciousness.

About Freya

I am a sacred birth keeper and I specialise in guiding soulful pregnant women to experience pregnancy & birth through pleasure focused embodiment practices. Part of my mission is to support women experiencing a pleasurable pregnancy and powerful birth. To connect with their bodies, babies and their inner power to align with birth as a spiritual, embodied and empowering experience. I am the creator of Embodied Birth Experience : Keys to an Ecstatic Birth. A 3-month immersion to experience birth in a pleasure focused, ecstatic and even orgasmic way. I believe birth is women’s greatest teacher. I experienced an ecstatic water birth in Glastonbury. Avalon. I deeply connected with the Rose as my baby was crowning and it is my passion and devotion to guide women into this experience. After this incredible experience I studied for my Masters in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus on trauma and the body and shamanic aspects of childbirth as well as researching birth as an altered state of consciousness. I have synthesised my own unique gifts, extensive research, magical life experience as well as many trainings into a modality called Embodied Recoding which is integrated into all of my offerings.

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