Gemma Houldey

‘Ending Burnout: The Sacred Feminist Way’

As women, how do we fully step into our power without burning out? In this workshop we will explore how to stand up for what we believe in without falling into patterns of division and separation that leave us exhausted and disconnected. We will use our voices, our bodies and our breath to cultivate inner and collective change that honours greater care, inclusivity and connection. 

About Gemma 

Dr. Gemma Houldey helps charity workers and change-makers who feel burned out, unsupported and unheard to reclaim their voice, purpose and joy. Her book, The Vulnerable Humanitarian: Ending Burnout Culture in the Aid Sector explores how change-makers can overcome unhealthy power dynamics, perfectionism, and polarisation through more inclusive and caring work routines. She runs an online book circle to explore the themes in her book, and offers group workshops and one-to-one mentoring for activists and charity workers.  

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