Hannah Rose

Hannah Rose is an English song gather and story teller with no fixed abode. She loves to collect songs and stories from times long past and help to keep them alive. In particular Hannah loves songs from Ireland and Scotland, especially in Gaelic. When first starting to sing in Gaelic it felt like a remembrance to her, a coming home. One of Hannah’s favourite things about sharing these ancient folk songs and stories is how potent they are at helping us to connect with our ancestors, in a unique way that she feels just isn’t possible in any other form. Hannah believes these songs give us a snapshot into our ancestors lives, and really humanise them. Just like us they experienced love and also heartbreak, jealousy, sadness, loss and all the other human emotions that we experience. She finds the old melodies and lyrics transport her and others back in time, to places we don’t ‘know’ but remember somewhere deep in our bones.

Instagram - @hannahlunarrose