Harley Rose

‘Igniting the Healer Within’

Workshop description: We are all natural healers, born with innate healing abilities. We have the power and potential to utilise these abilities for the benefit of ourselves, to help others, and even to help plants and animals. Our ancestors knew this, they knew how to harness their power and they knew the importance of keeping their physical and energetic bodies clean and nourished so that they could be effective conduits for high vibrational, healing frequencies to pass through them.

This ancient earth wisdom and the codes from our ancestors are still as true and effective for us today as they have always been. If we can learn how to purify our energy and harness the Universal power both within and without, then it is possible to bring miraculous results to strong healing intentions. We will be bringing this all together in this experiential Energy Healing workshop.

What to expect: Tune your frequency with a guided meditation from the Hathors, optimise the flow of energy in your body using breath and visualisation, learn the secret ingredient when holding space for others healing, apply these techniques in an embodied pair practice and guided energy activation where you will both give and receive loving, healing energy. Ignite the Healing potential within. 

About Harley

 Harley specialises in womb healing, guided by the Divine energy of the Rose and is also a Kundalini & Energetic Healing Practitioner, Akashic Records consultant and spirit-led Healer, Ceremonialist and Retreat Leader with a grounded background in Psychology. The modalities she offers are heart based, rooted in Shamanic studies, intuitive (yet structured by extensive training) and potent. Much of her present therapeutic practice is focused on plant spirit medicine, helping people to prepare and integrate peak experiences.

Instagram - @harley.rose.healing | Website - www.harleyrosehealing.com