Jenny Lynne Sessions aka Jen-ix

‘Ambassadors of Unity
Pathways to Peace’

Are you an Ambassador for Unity, peace and reconciliation?

What do you need to bring more peace and harmony to your own heart that you may reflect that back into life in abundance

Do you need to put your feet up sit by your own hearth and allow the earth to hold you nurture and nourish you 

Gaia is always giving we are not always able to receive all her gifts.

Alignment shapes humanity. We are all in this together

Let’s explore the transformational power of community and spirit. Create and weave new pathways to peace.

Recognise  how the positive impact of turning trauma to treasure through creative means enables the butterfly effect to take flight.

Lets plant new seeds on all levels for the future  generations and continue our personal  commitment to align  with  peace love and unity, the flourishing of Our New Earth and the blossoming of all.

Become your own medicine deliver your unique message to the world loud and proud from a unified place within. Leave fear and doubt lovingly at the door.

We will gather in the power of community and spirit to create sacred space set intent ,honour and welcome our selves each other and the ancestors. Inviting and allowing love to be our guiding star

I will be bringing a beautiful large floor standing healing mother drum. Sharing a Native American legend  of how the women brought peace to the men through the drum . It is always so powerful playing together sending our prayers out with the voice of the drum

Our time together may include elements of 

A spirit song healing circle with drum via transmission. 

Super-Visionary journeying, the power of sacred storytelling

Writing, poetry, voice work, 

A sit spot in nature, talking stick circle, 

drums rattles and prayers with plenty of shared wisdom and joy

At the end of our adventure together a sharing of our bounty.for benifit of all

Be like wolf… walk with intent loyalty, wisdom, clarity, connection and flow .

Remember together we are changing  the world ‘peace by peace’

Precence is a prayer, the space between words can be like ceremony. I like to leave room for spirit to weave and the wild card  to visit within our proceedings hence not setting a more rigid format prior to the moment we meet. 

May we glow with the flow and let love be our guiding star

About Jen-ix

A truly unique, open-hearted, multi-dimensional, magical being...she is a bridge between worlds a forthright and  gentle ambassador for peace and unity upholding the power of love community and spirit.

A creative catalyst for change and transformation, a woman of spirit and good medicine often referred to as a compassionate cage rattler, a force of nature an electric oak.

Jen-ix walks and weaves many paths including that of shamanic healer and visionary, transpersonal therapist, seer, coach, poet, author and transformational speaker, storyteller, songwriter, radio presenter, fire walk instructor, channel for higher guidance and healing sound frequencies  

Honouring the interconnectedness of all life, Jen-ix reveres  and works with the profound healing power of nature the glorious gift of humour along with the deep medicine woven within the art of sacred storytelling .She uses drum, voice and spirit song for healing and and harmonising discordant energy. 

This sonic process activates and liberates healing within the land, a person or an animal's energy field. It opens multi-dimensional doorways through which to journey deeply and heal.

When facing death in 2009, with a severely fractured spine, Jen-ix chose to re-commit to life with a new frequency, becoming her own medicine and turning trauma to treasure. 

This is what she teaches with passion, compassion and gratitude. The wisdom of the elders and ancestors underpins her own medicine.

Magic always surrounds her and transmits through her.

Jen-ix will-always remind you to listen to your heart and let love be your guiding star, of the power you have to become your own medicine, turn trauma to treasure and help bring greater peace to the earth.

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