Julia Rossmanith, Arielle Swann, Ruby Swann

‘Re-igniting Divine Feminine Sacred Sexuality’

This workshop will ignite the reconnection and reclamation of feminine sexual energy, bringing women together. This workshop provides a space for women to access and celebrate their innate sexual expression, igniting their light, and connecting to the power of the feminine lineage. We explore this through somatic, mental and energetic processes, bringing integration, joy and expansive ways of being.This workshop provides an explorative and safe container for women to access their channeling abilities and move through experiences and the stories that they carry across all timelines.

About Julia, Arielle & Ruby

Julia has worked with thousands of women over the past 15 years, helping them to bring awareness, connection, and healing to their womb and pelvic area. She creates spaces that allow women to access their own inner wisdom embedded in the Divine Feminine, and teaches workshops that focus on the transformative awakening process that leads to deep healing. 

This allows the Divine Feminine to flow through them, anchoring this Light into the world . She does this both as an Intuitive healer and as a certified Arvigo® practitioner and Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner, integrating the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.

Arielle is a registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist, Arts therapist and channeler. Arielle works as an energetic healer and channeler with Saint Germain and Mary Magdalene empowering women to access the deepest expression of self, creativity and the divine feminine. Arielle invites individuals to access their innate channeling abilities to allow them to access and express the full expression of who they are. 

Ruby is an energetic lightworker, having been trained by her mother since childhood. She is also a feminist academic and is passionate about empowering women to connect with their innate power and personal gifts. She utilises a unique blend of process and visualisation during her work, as well as hands on healing. Her processes focus on providing the space for women to reclaim the divine connection of the heavenly and earthly energies that resides within their own being. This powerful connection often illuminates hidden gifts, connecting each woman to their personal magic.

Julia Website - www.thenurturedwomb.com | Email julia@thenurturedwomb.com | Facebook @thenurturedwomb | Instagram @thenurturedwomb