Lani Rocillo (with Jennifer Rose, Chantelle Blackwood, Kayleigh Allenby & Alice Ancient). 

Hathor's Rose Choir (Participatory- Ceremonial -Intuitive - Song – Creation)

The Way of The Rose. The Way of the Heart. Hathor's Rose Choir is a co-creative journey through intuitive song creation. The group offers a participatory ritual performance invoking divine energy.  Where the unique voice finds harmony in dissonance, realising flow, surrender, inseparability and impermanence in sound.

About Hathor’s Rose Choir

Guided by UK-based sound healer and shamanic practitioner, Lani Rocillo, Hathor’s Rose Choir is a co-creative journey through intuitive song creation. Primarily a participatory performance group composed of musicians, dancers, and storytellers embodying mystic traditions and practicing various therapeutic arts, Hathor’s Rose Choir communicates the instinctive, the non-verbal, the deeply felt and raw, powerful emotion. The collective’s performances are an invitation into co-created ritual, dissolving boundaries between audience and performer and invoking higher states of presence through sonic unity.

Selected live recordings released via Golden Ratio Frequencies.

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