Marlia Coeur

‘Sophia Light - Vocal Ritual’

Inspired by Ancient Greek Wisdom, Marlia will take you on a journey of archetypal qualities and subtle cosmic energies in a series of embodied rituals dedicated to each sentient being. “Sophia” in Greek means “Wisdom”. This search for wisdom through simple vocal+movement rituals leads to a deeper connection to the pure source field of intelligence. 

The Sophia Light session is an activation & illumination of your subtle bodies and the codes which are found in your genes. You will feel a vibratory resonance and a frequency of sound, light and form that will activate and unify your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine into the One body of Sophia Christ consciousness through the Divine Self.

For all men & women, feel welcome! Prepare to listen to some Greek myths, to vocalise with Marlia, to dance to a drum beat and to enjoy the embodiment of the ritual arts. Bring 2 items with you: something from your home country (if you see this early enough! such as memorabilia from home, a photo, a page from your journal dated 2002, a crystal etc) and something from the local UK grounds, i.e. a stone, a leaf, a cone, recyclable items please (no plastic)!

About Marlia

Marlia Coeur is a sound oracle, a vocal activator, and a facilitator of human potential expressed through the voice. As a voice coach, devotional singer and music academy coordinator, she helps people who are disconnected from their voice learn how to express their true voice with purpose and clarity through intentional breathing and vocal encouragement, so they can fully connect to their hearts. “The sounds you vocalize help you in a number of ways. They move things inside you, they help you release, they provide joy, they unveil your truth, they help you reprogram thought patterns which may be limiting for you, they can be a good mirror of your internal state, they help express the unexpressed, they call in your Soul fragments into Oneness. I am delighted to be your vocal and sound guardian on this journey!” ~Marlia

Instagram - @marlia_coeur | Facebook - Marlia Coeur Music