Naomi Gale

‘Closing Your Vagina's Birth Field’

Every single woman who has given birth should close the birth field through their vagina however their birth unfolded. Every woman deserves to land on a featherbed of motherhood. In today's society, we are witnessing and experiencing trauma, challenges and degradation of what it means to transition from maiden to mother. We do not tend to the mother as needed. We especially don't tend to the pelvis. It's more than doing your pelvic floor exercises for decades to come. We must weave in a physical, spiritual, and emotional approach. In this workshop, we will work with somatic tools, journeying, touch and breath to move into a deep relationship with our womb, vulva and vagina. Let's deepen into what it means to close a vaginal birth field. 

About Naomi

Often referred to as 'the vagina woman,' Naomi is a highly qualified nervous system-led, somatic-focused pelvic health specialist and birthkeeper. Guiding those ready into connection with their wombs, vaginas, and vulvas. Naomi's work has been featured widely: BBC podcasts to sex-positive influencers' YouTube channels and in print with Cosmopolitan, to name a few features. Author of "In your vagina lies the key to your happiness." She lives in Margate, Kent with her husband and 3 children (a result of IUI and IVF).

Instagram - @thisisnaomigale  | TikTok- @thisisnaomigale_