Natalie Ford

‘Breathe Into Your Freedom’

Are you ready to connect with deeper levels of your sovereignty? To release what no longer serves and listen to your heart's wisdom? Join us for this Shamanic Breathwork Journey, where you're invited to breathe into your freedom with the support of Shamanic intention, the drum's heartbeat, and the power of your breath. Surrender limiting beliefs, past emotions, and energetic blocks so you can make space to call in your dreams and desires, receive wisdom from your heart, and reconnect with lost parts of yourself that you wish to call back. Come to release, re-energise, and reconnect with yourself, mother earth, and all the love around you!

About Natalie

I help independent women create high-quality, conscious relationships through embodied sovereignty, nervous system regulation and compassionate communication. I combine powerful mindset work with trauma-informed embodiment practices to help you quickly and effectively clear emotional triggers so that you can stay in your power, keep your heart open and communicate from desire rather than defence. My clients experience elevated self-worth, greater secure attachment in relationships, the ability to live from their higher self and stay in integrity even under challenging circumstances, which allows them to attract a much higher calibre of partner and relationship.

Instagram - @iamnatalieford | YouTube - @iamnatalieford | Facebook - natalie ford | Website -