Samsara Tanner, Laura Hart Swann & Chloe Isidora

Walking in Womanhood - ‘A circle for Grief & loss’

This circle is for all Women, Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers, Sisters, and Aunts

Throughout time we have all experienced loss and grief, known or unknown, seen or unseen. In our own life's experience or passed down through our red thread ancestral inheritance. The empty deep well of hidden shadows, unspoken loss, shame, grief and trauma reside somewhere within us all. 

We will sit and share, moving into a loving and gentle place of holding as we witness each woman as the reflection of our own deep longings.

This is for all women who have lost their Mothers, or a caring parent or grandparent, sisters who have lost their siblings.

for those who have experienced the loss of holding a baby within their womb and in their arms.

For women who have longed for a baby, and grieve for their unfulfilled Motherhood.

For those who have chosen a baby release or abortion, 

For women who feel the loss of their fertility 

Women who have experienced the heartbreaking loss of a Baby.

Women who have experienced the loss of sense of self in becoming a Mother, the loss of freedom, and loss of opportunities.

For women who feel the loss of sovereignty in their Birthing experience, and feel the grief at how how their birth unfolded 

Women who experience the loss of mental health, loss of the village of support, loss of dreams, loss of power, loss of rites, loss of control, loss of equality, loss of friendships, loss of sisterhood. 

This circle is for all us who feel the grief and loss of being witnessed as we walk through womanhood. On the path of the feminine mysteries of the Maiden, full bloom Woman~Mother, the Harvest wise-woman and crone. 

About Samsara, Laura & Chloe  

Samsara- Grandmother Birthkeeper. I am ‘changing’ woman, Partner, Mother, Grandmother and Birthkeeper. Moving through the thresholds of my final cycle of womanhood. 

Laura works in the shamanic healing dimensions through the spectrum of our human experience supported by plant spirit medicine.

Chloe Isidora is an author, teacher and creator dedicated to empowering women on their journey of self-discovery and healing.

Samsara Instagram - @grandmother_birthkeeper | Laura Instagram - @_laura_hart_swann |

Chloe Instagram - @chloeisidora