Seraphina Bianconi

‘Sound Your Shakti Soul Song’

In this workshop we will explore the voice of our womb and unique expression of Shakti.  We will begin by sounding the five Sanskrit asya in order to activate the different elements and energies within our womb and to provide an ancient and cosmic body memory of ourselves as beings of sound and light.  We'll then weave in gentle womb yoga and breath to invite more spaciousness into our bodies for sound to travel and expand within us.  We'll finish by sounding the voice of our womb and with mantra invoking the presence of Shakti herself to support and integrate the journey we have been on.  All are welcome including complete beginners and women at any life stage.  Also women who have had hysterectomies are welcome as it is possible to work with our energetic womb blueprint.

About Seraphina

Seraphina is a passionate advocate for the Sacred Feminine and the union between the Sacred Masculine and Feminine at this time on the planet.  Much of her work is informed by her deep initiatory experiences working with The Integral Yoga and the descending transformational energy of Shakti.  Seraphina offers womb yoga classes, runs a weekly community women's circle, holds grief tending in community spaces as well as Shakti Kirtan- women's kirtan invoking the energy of the dark goddess for transformation and creativity.  She also guides women on a 1:1 initiatory journey.  She lives by the sea with her beloved husband, has three grown up children and loves sea swimming, paddle boarding and spending time with her community.  

Website - | Instagram - @seraphinabianconi | Facebook - Seraphina Bianconi