Free Thyself (Siobhan)

‘Love ThyWomb’

Workshop description: In the root of the love for ourselves and others is where the true healing begins. We will go on a shamanic sound journey awakening the womb space and pouring love into our most sacred space as wombmen. The session will involve deep breathing, vocal expression, self touch massage, movement, wombman to wombman sharing of the heart space, journal prompts, ancestral support, clearing and guidance of the mother line. This will be a safe space, non judgmental to feel, seen, heard and release. Allowing us to return to love and feel layers of grief, sadness, joy and ,much more.

About Siobhan

Siobhan is the spirit of Free Thyself, 'There is Power in your Voice.' She has a background in psychology, mental health, education, social care and counselling. Siobhan is passionate about helping the community, womben and shares her ancient wisdom and story on healing Endometriosis naturally. She has supported many wombman globally through workshops, 1-2-1's, private ceremonies, festivals, retreats, womb ceremonies and virtually. Her offerings involve; yoni steam sessions, shamanic sound journeys and clearings, ancestral awakening, sacred dance, Turkish belly dancing,grief release, Reiki, vocal sound healing, 13th Rite of the Womb (Munay-Ki). Her devotion to everything is returning to the divine essence of truth and love. Lastly Siobhan is on the  Shamanic medicine wheel and connects deeply with the Goddesses, Isis, Sekhmet and Hathor and Lord Shiva.

Instagram - @3freethyself & @goddesstouch88 | Website -