Sophie Nevill

The Rose + the Birth of this Golden Age’ 

If you have incarnated as a woman this lifetime - you have come to birth a new age.

It’s time for us to remember the Rose as our ally, teacher and guide in this remembrance!!

This is going to be a very powerful deep workshop - remembering our highest potential that we came here to live…

Throughout history - Awakening has predominantly been ‘transcendent’ and disembodied in nature, where ‘Spirit’ and ‘matter’ has been perceived as separate. Yet at this time on the planet we are now being called to re-member the path of the Rose, the way of the Heart and the more ‘embodied’ Feminine path of Awakening that women are inherently the way showers of. 

Waking up to the infinite Stillness of our Being that exists beyond the limited conceptual mind, and bringing this unconditional Love ‘down’ into every aspect and layer of our humanity and holographic projection, through all times, space and dimensions, so that all can be welcomed Home, and brought into it’s highest Expression. 

This workshop is for all women to re-member their incredible Power and highest potential as a unique vessel for the divine Feminine on earth at this time. 

Reclaiming our inherent nature as Oracles, Shamans, Emissaries of Divine Love and birthers of this New World. 

For it is only when we truly experience matter, the body and nature (i.e. the Feminine) as Sacred that all of Life can start to come back into balance again. 

About Sophie

Sophie is a long term psychotherapist, meditation teacher and founder of Heart of the Rose, Brotherhood of the Rose and the Rose Temple at Medicine Festival. She is also guardian to the Land that Heart of the Rose takes place on, where she is currently building a Rose Temple and Mystery School.  

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