Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

‘Rest, reconnect and restore’

WELCOME Home to yourself. Welcome to a collective ritual of radical restfulness!  Restoring our rhythmic cycles through yogic sleep, we enter the sacred state of yoga nidrā. Simply being here. There is nothing to do, and everyone is welcome into this horizontal mediation upon the threshold of sleep. No movement necessary. Guided by poetry and song, by silence and soundscapes, we lay upon the earth and let her dream us home. As we rest, we honour the supreme power of life herself, in the form of sleep (AKA Nidrā Shakti). 

About Uma

A yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for women’s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti, and two books on Yoga Nidra, including Yoga Nidra Made Easy (Hay House 2022) and Nidra Shakti, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Yoga Nidra.

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