Xochi Balfour

‘The Dark Mother - Mothering through personal and collective shadow’ 

A safe and sacred circle for mothers to hold the full experience of walking this path on Earth right now, comprising gentle embodiment, ritual, open sharing and respectful feminine touch.

About Xochi

Xochi Balfour is a women's wisdom keeper, working to reconnect women to the earth and their womb space, and reclaim their innermost power. Holding a space of safe and sacred sisterhood, she anchors us into ground, body and breath to step out of the stories of the mind and drop deeper into our innate feminine wisdom. She works at the thresholds of motherhood and matrescence, giving a safe voice to shadow and the exiled parts of ourselves as a key back into divine wholeness. She lives in Wiltshire with the husband and three children and holds regular Temple circles there, as well as online group and 1:1 journeys.

Instagram - @xochibalfour | Website - www.xochibalfour.com